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Days for Girls


This summer one of the visiting teams brought Days for Girls kits. We had just given our last kit out earlier in the year, so the family caregivers were very excited to hear that there were more available. On Thursday Wema and I sat down with the younger girls to talk about women's health issues and hand out the kits. Each caregiver was able to pick out her favorite bag to take home. Having reusable kits will save these young women and their families money and allow them to spend funds previously used on sanitary products on other necessities.

During our training we had time to talk about God's design for sex and how our cultures can often be different from what the Bible says. Talking about periods and STIs wasn't necessarily comfortable for the girls to discuss with Wema and I, but it was still good to be able to share with them and let them know that they have people to come to with any questions.

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