Prayer Requests
April 2023
The last two years our area has not had consistent rainfall. Last year the long rains were late and many people lost all their crops. This year the short rains were delayed and not long enough for crops to grow and develop and the long rains started late. Pray for adequate rainfall for crops to grow and provide needed food and income to everyone in our village, Berega, and the surrounding area.
We are working to find ways to generate income to help fund new projects and cover the costs of repairs and maintenance to the orphanage property. Pray for God to guide staff as we look for ways to continue to develop the dairy project. Pray too for our sunflower press and the wood working machines that were added over the last year to be of benefit to our community while also improving our revenue.
We are moving into cold and flu season here as winter approaches. Please pray for good health for the babies, bintis, staff and staff families.
We had a new baby, Lomayana, come to the orphanage a few weeks ago. Pray for his family as they are grieving and ask God to provide a binti to come and care for him.
Spring 2020
We have a few high risk people living at the orphanage, Deus, Martha and Bibi Abigail. Please pray for the health and well-being of everyone at the orphanage, but especially for those who are high risk.
Pray for our gardens to continue abundantly providing vegetables for everyone staying at the orphanage.
Pray for our community, Berega, and the many who are unable to stop working and practice social distancing.
Our area is known for people practicing witchcraft, pray with us that people turn to God during this time of uncertainty instead of witchcraft. Often times the witchcraft rituals require someone be harmed or killed to complete the ritual. Please pray for the safety and well-being of everyone in our area, especially those that are most vulnerable and could become easy targets.
Bibi Aigail recently fell and broke her arm. Pray for her to make a complete recovery and be able to have the strength to resume caring for her twin granddaughters.
December 2019
Fall 2019
We’ve had 2 new babies join us this month – Athmani and Michael. Pray for their families as they are grieving and for the babies to grow strong and healthy. Pray too for the family of Athmani to find a binti to send to the orphanage to care for him.
Pray for the bridge to keep standing through the short rains which have already started.
Praise Jesus for the rains! The long rains were late in coming this spring and many are suffering now from the poor harvest. Pray for the short rains to continue so that the farmers can harvest enough food for their families.
We are thankful for the progress made on the fence and dairy project this year. Please pray that we are able to raise funds to complete the fence and buy the goats. Pray too for safe travels on our trip to Lushoto and Kenya and that our trip is successful.
During the colder season the babies and toddlers have been passing colds around. The weather is starting to warm up but our children are still dealing with persistent colds that often turn into respiratory infections. Pray for the health of all the babies here. Pray especially for Deus and Gelesia who have asthma. Deus has been hospitalized due to complications with his asthma twice over the last few months.
Our bintis give up a lot to come and live at the orphanage, which is often times very difficult. Recently there have been some behavior issues common to teens. Pray for the girls to feel peace about living here, to not feel homesick and to make the most of the learning opportunties available at the orphanage.
Three of our children currently don't have a family caregiver for various reasons. Pray for their families to understand the importance of providing a connection to the family for their child and for a volunteer binti or grandmother to be found and brought to Berega Orphanage.
January 2019

Praises for a successful Christmas party. We had around 200 guests, many of whom were returning children and their families.
Pray for Pendo as she is reunited with her family at the end of the month. Pendo's family was not able to send a binti to stay with her at the orphanage. We are waiting for a relative to come and stay with her for a few weeks now so that she will have an easier adjustment when the time comes to return home.Pray for her to transition well to the changes she is facing and for her family to have the ability to provide the care she needs.
We are thankful that the short rains have begun! Prayers for a successful farming season both now and during the longer rainy season.
The Berega Orphanage recently received two grants! We will be able to build a small garden of raised beds using drip irrigation to provide the orphanage with vegetables year round. We also received enough funds to be able to build a wall around the property and purchase 2 cows and 4 goats! Praise God!
Pray for the continued health and well being of the babies, bintis and staff at Berega Orphanage.
Pendo & Rehema
September 2018
Praises and thanks for the many visitors who have donated food, clothes, supplies, funds and their time over the last few months to help us!
Classes for the bintis will be starting up again soon; pray for them to have the time and energy to devote to learning to read, write, sew and speak English.
Thanks to St. David's Episcopal Church we will be making plans to start construction on a playroom addition to the baby house. Pray for safety for everyone while construction is happening and that the noise and business of construction doesn't adversely affect the children and bintis.
We are currently raising funds for a variety of projects, including building a wall around the orphanage and building raised garden beds. Pray for funding to come in and for the projects to be a blessing to the orphanage. We'd like to one day have cows and goats in the enclosed property as well as have the ability to grow more of the vegetables we consume each week at the orphanage.
June 2018
The bridge to Berega survived the rainy season and is getting some minor repairs made. Thank you for your prayers!
Two of our staff, Wema and Martha, are traveling to Moshi this month for training. Pray for safety as they travel to and from the training, for their families that they are leaving behind for the week and that the training will be a help and blessing for them.
Maliki and Bibi Maliki are going home this month. While we are so happy that Maliki is healthy and growing well they will be missed. Pray for them as they adjust from living at the orphanage to living at home. Pray too for us. Bibi Maliki has been a huge blessing and help with the other bintis during her time with us. We will be looking to find another grandmother that can fill the roll of 'house mom' to the younger bintis while they are with us.

Bibi & Maliki
Winter 2018
Nesta is going home! Pray for her as she adjusts to living with her family
The short rains have brought flooding to many areas of Tanzania. Pray for safety from flood waters & cholera. Pray too that the bridge to Berega withstands the powerful water surges.
Children from 4 families joined the orphanage in December & January - pray for their families as they grieve & the health of these vulnerable newborns.

Nesta & Joy