Landwirtschaft und Bauwesen
Bustani - Gemüsegarten
Das Berega-Waisenheim verfügt über einige kleine Grundstücke, die für die Landwirtschaft genutzt werden können. Wir schulen die Bintis in verschiedenen Anbaumethoden, damit sie mit dem Wissen und den Fähigkeiten nach Hause zurückkehren können, um erfolgreich Nahrungsmittel für ihre Familien anzubauen. Wenn Sie Kenntnisse in der Landwirtschaft haben, würden wir uns freuen, wenn Sie vorbeikommen und uns neue Methoden oder Wege der Landwirtschaft beibringen.
Freiwillige können im Waisenheim jederzeit bei Malerarbeiten helfen oder Wandgemälde anfertigen, damit die Gebäude immer schön aussehen. Es gibt auch vereinzelt Bauprojekte, die fertiggestellt werden müssen. Wenn Sie Interesse haben, bei diesen Projekten mitzuhelfen, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte.
Summer Volunteers 2018
Staff house painted by Muenstermann family.
Digging holes for the tires in our play area
Staff house painted by Muenstermann family.
This summer a variety of families and teams came to Berega Orphanage to help with construction and painting projects. The Muenstermann family was one of the first families to visit. They painted the outside of one of the staff houses and the office while they visited.
The Cyprian family came to visit for a few days after completing work with a medical team in the city. They brought new baby swings to install in the play area and buried tires for the kids to play on.
Every other year a group from BREAD visits Berega to help out with a variety of projects. This year the group from BREAD painted the tires in the playground, painted a bright, beautiful mural on the baby house and helped lay sidewalks around the orphanage to connect the main buildings.
We are so thankful for all of the volunteers who came to help and spent time getting to know the babies, bintis and staff!
Volunteers from Pioneer Bible Translators in Morogoro Town came in June 2016 to teach us how to build keyhole gardens. The gardens use less water and the raised beds help protect the plants from the neighborhood chickens and pigs. The group built 2 gardens and taught us how to build more gardens ourselves. We have already been harvesting a variety of greens, tomatoes and green peppers from the gardens for use at the orphanage.
Work on the first keyhole garden.
Building the 2nd keyhole garden.
The seed beds.
Work on the first keyhole garden.